Case status
Case status
There is a service CaseStatusService for managing case statuses.
Every status is represented in a repository as a node which is associated to the case.
Status change
The time of the change is recorded in the icase:caseStatusChangedDateTime property.
The new status is available by icase:caseStatusAssoc assoсiation.
The previous status is available by icase:caseStatusBeforeAssoc association.
How to set a case status from a business process?
In the first place, one should receive the case node from the business processes package:
var children = bpm_package.childAssocs['bpm:packageContains'];
var caseNode = children != null && children.length > 0 ? children[0] : null;
If the case node is successfully received, you can make use of case statuses service:
caseStatusService.setStatus(caseNode, "data-filling");
"data-filling" - is cm:name of the required status.