Alfresco ECM and Citeck ECOS Installation
Development (build from source)
1. Install and configure the necessary software
Install Oracle Java (JDK) version 8
Apache Maven 3.2.5+
Set the environment variables. Set M2_HOME = <MAVEN_PATH> /apache-maven-3.3.1
2. Set up maven to work with Citeck artifacts
For maven, you need to make additional settings to connect to citeck artifactory in the settings.xml file (copy the file to your .m2 directory and for the "enterprise-reader" username set the password: readpass)
3. Cloning of the ECOS Community repository
1. The mercurial command for cloning the repository:
> hg clone
2. The command to go to the master branch
> hg update master
4. Launch project from CLI
> run.bat
User: admin / admin
Configure IntelliJ IDEA (optional)
Opening a project from Idea - as maven project (pom.xml in root directory)
Configuration for launching from IntelliJ IDEA
- Edit configurations → Create → maven
- Parameters → Command line: clean install ecos:run -DskipTests = true
- Runner → Environment variables: MAVEN_OPTS = -Xms256m -Xmx2G
You can run this configuration both on Run and Debug with running breakpoints in Java
Useful links - Setting Up the Environment
Test / Production
The document describes how to install and configure Citeck ECOS system.
Installing Citeck ECOS - Docker containers via docker-compose
Docker-image of ECOS Community is based on CentOS 7.
Install docker
Install docker-compose
All required software is already installed.
There is a docker-compose file used to start all neccesary services of Citeck ECOS Community.
We should do few steps:
1.Create directories for data of the services.
2. Obtain actual docker-compose.yaml
3. Start containers
4. Make changes to /etc/hosts file
5. Go to link in browser
Account for authorizatipon:
User - admin
Password - alfr3sc0
Journals and applications data are stored at /opt/alfresco/
This manual tested for Ubintu 16.04 and Centos 7
Operation check
In the event of faults in operation of the system, it is worth looking for a cause in the log files.
- Alfresco log files – alfresco.log, share.log;
- Tomcat log file – tomcat/logs/catalina.out;
Alfresco and ECOS settings
When installing, the settings shall be corrected in unusual cases only: individual installation of DBMS, LibreOffice, imagemagick, swftools, etc.
Settings file: tomcat/shared/classes/
Settings of the access to the DBMS
db.driver=org.postgresql.Driver db.username=alfresco db.password=admin db.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/alfresco
External program settings
ooo.exe=/opt/alfresco-5.1.f/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin ooo.enabled=true ooo.port=8100
Image Magic
img.root=/opt/alfresco-5.1.f/common img.dyn=${img.root}/lib img.exe=${img.root}/bin/convert
SWF Tools
swf.exe=/opt/alfresco-5.1.f/common/bin/pdf2swf swf.languagedir=/opt/alfresco-5.1.f/common/japanese
Other settings
Path to the file repository
dir.root=./alf_data dir.contentstore=${dir.root}/contentstore dir.contentstore.deleted=${dir.root}/contentstore.deleted
External protocols and interfaces
system.webdav.servlet.enabled=true imap.server.enabled=false imap.server.port=143 ftp.enabled=true ftp.port=21 cifs.enabled=true cifs.tcpipSMB.port=445
Flowable BPM engine configuration